Wednesday, November 22, 2006

First Sock Progress and Swag Is Here!

Not a very interesting title but it will do...

My very first pair of socks are coming along. I had a slight pause trying to understand how the pattern wanted me to pick up stitches. Overcame that little problem last night with some suggestions/websites from you wonderful folks. I got the stitches on and then... ran into a step that I just don't understand. I've got all the stitches back on the needle and am ready for the homestretch but there the next line says I'm suppose to "Knit half the heel stitches." Then "K 1 round." I understand the K 1 round part but the knitting of only half of the heel stitches doesn't make sense. HELP! Tomorrow I'm taking my little sock over to mom's and hope she can explain what in the world I'm suppose to do. I would really like to finish both socks by next week.

And.... MY NOVEMBER INDIE SWAG IS HERE!!! Oh Scout, you sneak you. This is just fabulous!

The colorway is called Pomegranate and there's a ton of it to play with. Bryan took one look at it and said, "Cool! Redskins colors!" LOL! As soon as he said it though, I immediately knew what I wanted to do with this yarn. Long fingerless gloves!!! Perfect for the cold weather around here, perfect for when I attend my first professional football game (next year?), and perfect for my next knitting challenge after the socks! I've got a bunch of patterns I've collected for them. Now to see which one will work. *does the Snoopy Happy dance* The accompanying glittery goodness/swag are handmade knitting themed note cards and gift cards from Glamscience!



Blogger Scoutj said...

I'm so glad you like it. :)

11/22/2006 8:35 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Lovely swag!

About the sock pattern, I'd have to see the instructions to help you. I don't want to lead you astray!

11/22/2006 9:33 PM  
Blogger Janice said...

LOVE the socks. I am so proud of you!! Wish I could help, but I have some sort of sock dyslexia!! (my first sock sits abandoned on the bottom of my knitting bag.....) But I am cheering you on!!!
Very fun package.. they will be great fingerless gloves. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

11/22/2006 9:36 PM  
Blogger me said...

I think I understand what the sock pattern wants you to do. So you had some heel stitches left after turning your heel and you had some top-of-foot stitches on an other needle, right? You went from the heel stitches and picked up stitches (for dpns, it would be needle 1), then knit the top-of-foot stitches (needles 2&3), then picked up more stitches (needle 4), right? What they want you to do is simply what the pattern says, in order to mark the middle back of the heel as the beginning of your round.

On dpns, they want the places where you will do your decreases to be at the beginning and end of a needle (usually 1&3), so for you on circs, you should have one circ with the top-of foot stitches, and one circ with all the other stiches. I'm assuming your instructions are written for dpns. Also, I don't think it really matters, as long as you know _they_ consider the middle-heel the beginning of the round. And as long as you do your decreases in the right spot.

Make sense? Let me know!

11/22/2006 11:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Scout, how could I not like it? I've been carrying it around since last night like a woobie. It's so pretty.

In regard to the socks, Desiree that may be EXACTLY what the designer meant (middle of heel being the beginning). I'll report back once I see mom today to confirm.

Hi Jennifer, this is the pattern I'm attempting: Lorna's Laces One Hank Socks

*hug* Janice. I'm still trying to understand how people find these addicting (other than being quick to do once you know what you're doing). I'm determined to get it though. Mom says that once I understand the socks, the fingerless gloves should be easy. HA!

*smooches* to you all.

11/23/2006 9:41 AM  
Blogger Karen said...

!!!! I was so thrilled with my yarn and swag again this month too. :) Thanks for the link to the sock pattern - I was going to ask about that. I had started a pair with my yarn, but frogged because I didn't like it. I love the pretty stripes you are getting, so I'm going to try that pattern. I agree with Desiree - the new beginning part of your round should now be in the middle of the heel. That's why they want you to knit across half of the heel stitches, then knit one round. Your mom should be able to confirm. :) Happy Thanksgiving!!

11/23/2006 9:54 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, that Pomagranate yarn looks awesome. I'd love to help you with the sock issue, but after reading Desiree's comment, I realise that truly, knitting is Greek to me! ;)
I'd love to take it up though. I really would!

Hope you had a wonderful holliday. (Our TG was in October)

11/24/2006 9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is some great yarn! Scout does a fantastic job.

I will be mailing out your knit kit tomorrow. Its been a awesome experience looking for something you would enjoy making.


11/26/2006 4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Socks must be fun to make... your's are gonna be cute:)

11/27/2006 1:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Karen: Instructions confirmed! The only issue I have with this pattern is that it assumes you have experience with knitting socks (bits of information left out that are common across most sock patterns apparently). I'm about to close the toe and the initial try-on has me just giddy though!

Jewels: Thanks for the offer Jewels. Desiree had it exactly and now I'm truly about done. I suspect future socks will go faster. Thanksgiving was pleasantly mellow. Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you. =)

knit kit swapper: OH! I will be waiting to pounce my mail carrier then.

Diana: I'm not going to lie and say this first pair has been a joy (Oh the cursing under the breath) but I definitely see myself making more. Like beadweaving, there is a level of complexity that keep me fascinated and wanting to finish.

11/27/2006 3:22 PM  
Blogger me said...

Sweet! I love it when I can translate things into... other things that then make sense. =)

11/28/2006 11:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes Desiree, YOU HELPED SO MUCH! It just clicked after I read your comment. Why of course! So now my sock is all done thanks to you and I'm casting on the other one tonight. Then it's off to make many more socks. =)

11/29/2006 10:10 AM  

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